Monday, July 4, 2011

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: July 4th Edtion

The Good: I cut out, pieced together and sewed a purse today. It's simple, and appropriate for 4 seasons. I need to use more pins next time!! Because velvet is evil. Pictures to come.

The Bad: I got an email about a property I inquired about. I brought it up to the Spousal Equivalent, and he clued me into the honest truth. If I want to move... we need to start saving NOW, so we can move in a year. It hurt so much hearing it, but it's the truth. Hopefully we can move next year. *sigh* Maybe we'll be able to have a house with a yard next fall.

The Ugly: It's been thundering for an hour. The ground was wet when I took the dog out. As much as people are going to see fireworks... I hope it rains. We need it.

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