Monday, January 12, 2015

The cost of doing races

I put my medals on the wall.

I have a lot of medals.

This means I've done a lot of races.

What does that mean?

I spent A LOT of money!

This totally has to change for 2015!

What I'm doing this year:

  • I took a calendar and registered for the races I REALLY wanted to do.  
  • I looked at the half marathons that I did in the Fall, and decided to pick one.  (I'm still deciding between the two)
  • I decided that I don't want to run bay Days again.  Instead I'm looking for a March or April race that won't cost me a fortune.
Races are awesome!  Races are fun!  They are also EXPENSIVE!

I'm saving for the 2016 Princess Half!

Maybe instead of races I need to organize some group runs!

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