Thursday, December 8, 2016

Many Wonderful Christmas Ideas!

Christmas is my favorite time of year.  I love the food, the movies, the everything.  I immerse myself in the whole season from Thanksgiving until Christmas Day.  I tended to de-Christmas my house the day after.

The time is a wonderful time of hope, kindness an good will (or it should be).  Sadly, it tends to be a time of high commercialism.

But thanks to Facebook, I found some WONDERFUL gift ideas that I wanted to share!

We always struggle with what to give our families.  I KNOW parents have issues figuring out what to give their kids.  Heck, I think this is an amazing idea!

I try to always keep an updated book Wish List on Amazon.  (I think my current one is a Kindle list, but you get my idea).  And I'm just enough of an introvert to love the idea of sitting around in PJs reading!

This one came to me today.  It's a brilliant idea!  A movie, PJs, snacks and cocoa.  I think for adults it should also include small bottles of booze to put in the cocoa.

This one applies to my friends with kids.  The idea is to get the kids to fill the bag before Christmas Eve.  Santa takes the bag away and leaves new toys in its place.  What a wonderful way to get rid of the clutter.

That reminds me, I need to start another donation bag myself!

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