Thursday, March 7, 2013

Holy Crap! It has been a sucky week!

Well, it's Thursday.  And it's the end of my work week.  This week has been challenging in many ways.

First, it was the "time of the month" from hell.  We're talking multiple changes of clothes bad....  We're talking curled up with the painful cramps bad.  I had no energy, but was ravenously hungry.  Add headaches to that.  That was my week.  I felt awful.  Simply awful.

Working out was nearly impossible.  It wasn't until this morning that I could do more than 10 minutes.

What does that mean?  That during my day off tomorrow I'm going to be working out!

This also means that my house is a disaster!  So on my vacation day tomorrow I'm going to be doing some cleaning!  Dishes, vacuuming and laundry!

I also need to take advantage of the good weather and take the dog on a good walk!

It's also CaraBox season!  I got mine late.... and of course it's not here for me to photograph!  Look for that reveal tomorrow!

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