Monday, December 19, 2011

I love everything about Christmas... but....

Well, 2 things really.

1.) We don't have a lot of money.  It's a struggle most months to get everything paid.  We really didn't need to get the dog flea medication and myself the high blood pressure medication this week.  Well, we needed it, but it'll make things a tad tight.

And here I have friends saying that they got things for us.  Really, you shouldn't have.  Because I didn't.  Hell, my mom and brother are getting gifts after the holidays (when things go on sale and we have some money).  Now it gets awkward.  You giving us stuff.  Us keeping the dog from licking up your nose.  Yeah....

I know that someday I'll be able to buy everyone something.  I know that someday we won't have to chose between rent and my medication.

Though it won't be soon.  No raises again.  Thanks Governor.

2.) Eating.  My father gave me a basket of sweet things.  It was WONDERFUL.  Emphasis on the word was....

I've lost weight the last few weeks.  I firmly attribute this to not being able to afford snacks.  Did I need all of those truffles this weekend?  No.  Did I enjoy them?  Hell yes!!

We're off to visit the land of my birth this weekend.  I will over eat.  I will gain weight.  What am I doing after I get back?  Exercise.  Lots and Lots of exercise.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Will Benson said...

Hey Neeners...I'm not one who bought for you...but I've been where you are. Here's the thing...if your friends are the kind that are COOL...and understand what giving gifts is about at this time of year...they'll understand if you don't give back...I'm sure anyone you and your boyfriend would be close to would know... :)

UrbanFaerie said...

What Will said! Totally true. True friends don't "count" the amount of presents or when they come. They give a gift because they love you.

AND you WILL get some exercise when we go skating!