Thursday, February 3, 2011

I am a list maker...

So I hunted up all the classes here that I want to take someday. (I can take one free class a semester) Here's the titles. (it's a LONG list, and with the descriptions, it'll be WAY too long)


202. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.
306. Women, Gender and Culture.
323. Indians of North America.
324. Indians of the Southwest.
325. Sun Dance People.
347. Japanese Society.

Theatre, Speech, and Dance

260. Introduction to Musical Theatre.
320. Theatre Administration.
220. History of Modern Dance.
230. History of American Vernacular Dance.
303. Alexander Technique.


237. American Indian History: Pre-Columbian and colonial period to 1763.
238. American Indian History since 1763.
222. United States Women’s History since 1877.

Women’s Studies

221,222. U.S. Women’s History, 1600 to the Present
304. Gender in Society.
306. Women, Gender and Culture.

Religious Studies

201. Introduction to Religion.
221. Religion and Ethics.
309. The Holocaust.
320. Pagans and Christians in the Roman World.
347. Sects, Cults and Small Denominations in America.
363. Sociology of Religion.


204. Social Problems.
301. Society and the Individual.
304. Gender in Society.
307. Sociology of Education.
309. Media and Society.
332. Families and Kinship.
361. Social Movements and Social Change.
363. Sociology of Religion.
429. Deviance and Social Control.
432. Sociology of Sexualities.

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