Monday, November 15, 2010

The Holidays are fast approaching...

I make a valiant attempt to do the FlyLady approach to keeping my house in order (Well, a modified approach.. I take a room a day, instead of a room a week). There is a Holiday preparation guide on that I'm going to use to get the apartment ready. My goal: to be able to take Thanksgiving weekend and the majority of my time off at Christmas off from major cleaning!

This week is going to be catching up. The apartment doesn't look that bad, so it's just getting it back. I need to catch up with the laundry, and finish putting away my clean clothes. I also need to scrub my bathroom.

I think the major thing that I need to do is to figure out all that I need to buy (Christmas present and food-wise). I don't make much per week, so I need to spread out my buying. I also need to hit sales and coupons and the like.

And my personal project, to re-organize my Christmas music, and snag the rest of the "Carols for the Cure" and "A Very Special Christmas" collections.

And now.. back to work!

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